agile marketing

A Brief Commentary on Agile Marketing

Way back in 2012 a group of intrepid marketers got together to forge the agile marketing manifesto. Is that a little too dramatic? In all seriousness, agile marketing was bred in organizations (mostly SaaS companies) where agile was being used for development. A few observant marketers noticed that development and marketing basically did the same […]

01/24/2014 -- 3 minutes

SaaS Marketers are Agile by Nature

If you’re a SaaS marketer then there a two things that are likely: you’ve got ready access to a development team; that development team is using agile to get their work done. What does agile development have to do with marketing? Well, marketing is alot like development. Both departments have a backlog of projects or […]

02/13/2013 -- 3 minutes