Happy Thursday

Why You Need To Tweak Your 404 Page

Tweaking your 404 error page is a simple thing you can do to keep people engaged in your site. By default, your 404 error page looks rather boring and in no way meshes with the rest of your site. The stock 404 pages also fail to help your visitor get back on the right track […]

Why You Need To Tweak Your 404 Page Written on December 15, 2010 and it will take about 2 minutes to read

404 error pages

Tweaking your 404 error page is a simple thing you can do to keep people engaged in your site. By default, your 404 error page looks rather boring and in no way meshes with the rest of your site. The stock 404 pages also fail to help your visitor get back on the right track and can lead to a bounce or exit from your site.

What is a 404 error page?

A 404 error is a response from your web server stating the the web content is not found. The server’s response is plain text and offers no help which can leave your visitor in the dark.

How do I fix it?

Luckily it isn’t too hard to fix. Most web servers show you the page in the file structure or allow you to edit the page in the control panel. You will want to first, make the page look like your site and then give your visitor direction by way of links or something else. It’s a good idea to echo the page the visitor attempted to hit also. You can also have a little fun on the page and present a video or interactive game like the blippy.com. Creative 404 pages have become an artform for some and very entertaining to track down.

Below are some good 404 examples

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