Travis Arnold

SaaS: Operation Surprise & Delight

If you’re a SaaS company, your bread and butter is recurring revenue, and keeping your current customers happy is equally as impactful as capturing new leads.

When SaaS companies go above and beyond the status quo, they retain paying customers and create raving fans that generate leads and referrals.

Think your customers might feel left out in the cold? Devise a plan of attack to delight their socks off. Create loyalty, prevent falloff, and expand your customer base.

Get Physical.
Downloading your application, reading your quarterly email digest, chatting with support online – to your customers, you primarily exist in a virtual sphere. They may never have a concrete interaction with your brand.

SaaS companies can make a huge impact by giving their brand presence in the real world. A handwritten note from support, a welcome package with branded swag, or a surprise just-because-we-like-you tee can make a big impression on customers and add another dimension to their relationship with your brand.

Empower Employees.
Empower every employee to delight the pants off of your customers. “Delivering WOW Through Service” has worked brilliantly for Zappos, and in the SaaS biz, a little empowerment can go a long way to enhance the customer experience.

Give employees a monthly gift card giveaway allowance, arm them with a free upgrade, allow them to circumnavigate standard process to help the customer. Empowering employees to surprise and delight your customers not only sparks a deeper connection with your customer base, but also helps to retain your best employees by upping their stake of ownership in your brand.

Check Your Agenda at the Door.
Sure, it’s important that SaaS companies connect with customers regarding updates, upgrades, add-ons, and support issues. But how often do you reach out to your customers just to say hello? Send them a link to a fun app your team developed on the side, design a quirky email, or grab their twitter handle and give them a shout out. Surprise your customers by reaching out to them without making any requests.

Satisfied customers may not fall off. But surprised and delighted customers will be fiercely loyal to your brand. These brand champions maintain your recurring revenue model, rave about your brand and attract new customers.

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