Travis Arnold

Get Out of the Office: Co-working

Co-working, if you’re unfamiliar, is essentially working in an open, shared environment with others. It’s very popular with freelancers, work-at-home types (ahem) and travelers who get bored with Starbucks or being in isolation. Essentially it’s a primordial soup of creativity and talent.

I dropped into SCR/B in Boulder, CO last week for a few hours and was instantly taken back by the vibe and the people. It made me wish I’d done this sooner and gotten out of the office for a few hours a week to take it all in.

So you may ask yourself “Hey, I’ve got a plush corner office and a Aeron chair, why would I want to kick-it with the hipster, freelance set?” Because it’s a great way to absorb inspiration. The people you’ll meet at a co-working facility are typically friendly and believe in community.

We get caught up in patterns and habits and sometimes need to get away, be a bit uncomfortable and learn. When you leave what’s normal (your office) and go somewhere foreign (a co-working space) you open yourself up to learning something new and meeting new people.

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